Humans have been wearing shoes for a long time, and the modern sense of buying sneakers — rubber soles designed to enhance athletic performance — did not emerge until the late 18th century. During the 20th century, sneakers continued to improve in performance as the industry grew. The emergence and rise of basketball have promoted it to the general public with the term "sneaker" being born.

The exhibition will explore the human and social behaviors reflected in shoe choice from different perspectives, showing audiences the important role sneakers have played in different cultures, occasions, and histories. The exhibition will feature more than one hundred pairs of shoes from around the world, spanning from the 18th century to the present day, including the work of designers, shoes worn by world celebrities, and treasured pieces from sneaker collectors.

Group Project
May 2023
Timothy McNeil
Public Spaces, 3D Modeling & Rendering, Sustainability, Community Engagement
Vectorworks, Rhino 7, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Figma, Twinmotion, Mixmedia for design prototype


01 Design Content and Development
02 Spatial Planning and Interpretation 
03 Overall Reflection